Goals: Superset of
and dpkg-scansources
Does not rely on any external programs aside from gzip.
Creates Release and Contents files without providing
Can be slow on large repositories, unless the input file (?FileList) is sorted first (the sort command works).
Package: apt
Distributions: oldstable, stable, testing, unstable, experimental
Dependencies: unstable/admin/apt-utils
Automatic repositories: No (Yes with dupload)
Incoming mechanism: No (Yes with custom move cron script with dupload)
Pools: Yes
GPG signing: No (Yes with dupload with script)
Inclusion of .deb without .changes: ??
Several versions of each package: ??
Debian Reference (lenny) — SecureAPT in combination with dupload (aimed at someone who has shell access to a web server) — https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch02.en.html#_small_public_package_archive
apt-ftparchive generate Roberto Sanchez how-to — he now recommends to use reprepro